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10 Most common Myths about Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding myths

Breastfeeding mythsBreastfeeding has long been a taboo topic and is relegated to advice restrained within four walls. No wonder most new mothers fall prey to hearsay – which in turn gives rise to a lot of myths. In this article, FabMoms attempts to burst the 10 most common myths about breastfeeding.

Myth 1: If the mother develops a breast infection, she should stop breastfeeding.

Unused milk may get clogged in a milk duct in the breast forming a hard mass, which can lead to an infection called mastitis. Symptoms of this infection include a swollen and tender breast, fever, aches and fatigue.  Antibiotics may be needed for treatment, but it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding. The milk obtained from a breast infected with mastitis is not harmful to infants.


Myth 2: A mother taking medications should not breast feed.

False.  No medication is without risks, but if the benefits outweigh the harm, the use of medication should not be the reason to stop breastfeeding. A good rule of thumb is that if the medication is safe to give the baby directly, it is safe for the mother to take while breastfeeding. If you have any questions or concerns, ask your doctor for advice about specific medications.


Myth 3: Formula is made to be just like breast milk.

Absolutely not. Nothing is as good as breast milk. The colostrum, which is the milk released from the breast during the first few days of breastfeeding, contains many antibodies, or immune cells that fight off infection caused by bacteria and viruses. These immune cells help the baby develop a natural defense against infection and are not found in formula.


Myth 4: A breastfeeding mother needs to eat a strict diet while breastfeeding.

Women need approximately 450-500 extra calories per day along with plenty of water. A good idea is to drink a glass of water each time you breastfeed. Avoiding foods that may upset the baby’s stomach such as spicy foods or gas provoking agents such as cabbage and limiting your caffeine intake to 200 mg per day are also good practices. If you are going to have an alcoholic drink (12-ounce beer, 4-ounce glass of wine, or 1 ounce of hard liquor), it is best to do so just after you nurse or pump milk rather than before and allow at least 2 hours per drink before your next breastfeeding or pumping session.


Myth 5: It is normal for breastfeeding to hurt.Pregnancy Hormones to boost breastmilk

Some nipple soreness or discomfort may be experienced during the first week or so after beginning breastfeeding. Pain or soreness that lasts longer than one week or does not improve may be worrisome. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, please contact your doctor.


Myth 6: It’s impossible to get pregnant while you nurse.

False. Breastfeeding is not sufficient birth control. Contraceptive medications composed of only progesterone (without estrogen) are safe immediately after childbirth.  Other barrier forms such as condoms are also suggested.


Myth 7: I must supplement my newborns feeding with formula for the first three to five days after (s)he is born because I don’t produce enough breast milk.

Wrong. The milk you are producing is sufficient for the size of the baby’s stomach. As the baby’s stomach grows, so will your milk production. Most women actually produce more milk than required. The most common reason for poor weight gain in the baby is improper latching. It is important to learn proper latching techniques soon after delivery. Contact your doctor if you have any questions.


Myth 8: Breastfeeding only benefits infants, it has no advantages for the mother.

It is true that breastfeeding helps reduce the risk of sudden infant syndrome, infections and childhood obesity, but there are also a number of benefits for the mother. Decreased bleeding after delivery, earlier return to pre-pregnancy weight and decreased rates of breast and ovarian cancer are a few maternal benefits.

Related helpful link : Breastfeeding : Tips, Benefits; Why it matters

Myth 9: I am sick so I need to stop breastfeeding at least until I feel better.

With a cold or even the flu, it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding. The antibodies the mother produces to fight the infection will be transferred in the breast milk to the infant which can protect the infant from current infection with this organism. With this being said, it is still important to discuss these issues with your healthcare provider if you are concerned.

Related helpful link : 10 Things most new moms don’t know about breastfeeding

Myth 10: I have to breastfeed once an hour for 20 minutes on each breast for my infant to get enough nutrition.

False. Each baby will set his or her own breastfeeding schedule. In general, breastfeeding once every 2-3 hours for 10-15 minutes on each breast is adequate.


Related Links:

10 Things most new moms don’t know about breastfeeding

Sagging belly : Back in shape after childbirth

Breastfeeding : Tips, Benefits; Why it matters

Nutrition while breastfeeding


American Academy of Pediatrics. “AAP Policy on Breastfeeding and Use of Human Milk”
American Academy of Pediatrics. “FAQs”
ACOG. “Frequently Asked Questions: Breastfeeding Your Baby”
Thomas, J. “Medications & Breastfeeding:Tips for Giving Accurate Information to Mothers”