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10 Ways to Avoid Back Pain due to Pregnancy

Pregnant woman with back pain

Pregnant woman with back pain

Pregnancy and child-birth is a mixed bag. A whole lot of excitement comes along with a host of discomforts and issues. Back pain being one of the most common among them. You might experience it during late stages of pregnancy or during labor, and it might stay even after your newborn has arrived. There are 50% chances for back pain to occur as a side-effect of pregnancy, but there are ways you can save your back from the pains.

The back pain during pregnancy is owing to your baby that is pushing its weight over your back towards the advanced pregnancy stage. The pain could vary from mild to extreme. Relaxin, a hormone that helps in softening the ligaments supporting your back joints and pelvis renders your body supple for childbirth.

1 – Relax as much as possible in the initial postpartum days. Seek help from family and friends for household work. Your sole focus, this time, should be to recuperate and nurse your baby.

2 – While breastfeeding, ensure that you sit straight while your feet are on the floor level. Also, remember not to bend as you nurse, rather support your baby on pillow on your lap instead of carrying its weight on your arm.

3 – One way to get over the discomfort is to have warm shower and do gentle exercises to ease the pain. It’s best to avoid over-the-counter drugs this time around.

4 – Consider taking physiotherapy as it is a totally medicine free treatment and therefore no effect on the breast milk.

5 – If you are pregnant, you could use cushions and pillows to be comfortable in bed. Your lower back must be supported if you don’t want the bump to pull your back.

6 – It’s always good to sit straight instead of stooping. You could use a small booster cushion or simply tuck in a rolled up towel in the small of your back can be quite a relief.

7 – One effective way is to set is to adjust the heights of your cot or chair to minimize bending.

8 – Always wear flat shoes to avoid any harm to your pelvis and uterus. The two must be aligned.

9 – It’s not a bad idea to sit cross-legged on the floor to help straighten and stretch your spine.

10 – Let someone massage your back slightly to relieve you from the pain.